July 25, 2003

Oh, Just Damn...

Just a quick post to vent (no pun intended...you'll understand soon).

Finally got the new area of the shop cleaned up to the point that I was going to spend tomorrow moving stuff into it. Had big plans to start running the ducting for the dust collector...all that just went to hell.

Now, understand, we live in Georgia and its the end of July. In other words, its hot. Really freakin' hot.

Went out to the shop today only to find that our air conditioner, the most important tool in the shop during the months that don't have "R"s in them (think about it), is DOA. Needless to say, it's a bit toasty in the shop.

So, there go the plans for tomorrow. I have a feeling I'll spend part of the day trying to get the stupid thing fixed (it's still under warranty) and the other part of the day doing yardwork. Lovely.

Posted by Rob at July 25, 2003 9:17 PM