I finally got around to taking some pictures of the cabinets I am building for Amy. Not a whole lot to write about here...I haven't put the face frames on them yet, nor have I built the doors yet.
As you can see, these cabinets are made from only the finest sheets of termite puke. They are going to get painted white anyway, so I didn't see the need to go to the expense of using, as Norm puts it, "cabinet grade plywood". They shouldn't be exposed to any moisture, so I'm not too concerned about them swelling up. Besides, if the downstairs rooms get flooded, I have bigger problems than losing a few $20 cabinets.
Also pictured here, making her debut on amateurtermite.com, is Mazy, one of our four cats. She likes to play shop cat, along with her younger sister Emma, at least until either the dust collector or any of the power tools come on at which point the both run for the hills.
Posted by Rob at October 15, 2003 9:24 PMWhere are all the screws? Don't think they will hold up!
Posted by: Mom at October 16, 2003 9:16 PM