February 21, 2004

If It Weren't for Bad Luck...

I'd have no luck at all.

Made a trip to the local non-BORG hardware store this morning to pick up the needed bolt...exactly 28 cents (including tax) worth of machined metal that kept me from assembling that damn saw last night...or so I thought.

Deciding to be extra productive today, I made a trip to the Woodcraft to pick up a mobile base for that damn saw. Seemed simple enough to assemble, even read the instructions...twice. I figured getting that beast into the base by myself would be difficult enough once...I didn't want to have to do it twice. (And yes, folks, that is what they commonly call "foreshadowing".)

So anyway, I wrestle that damn saw (that's it's new name, by the way) into the mobile base. I'm pretty pleased with myself at this point. As I'm re-reading the directions for the base for the extention table I see the error in my ways...I've got that damn saw in the mobile base backwards! (Insert expletive deleted...ok, insert multiple strings of expletive deleteds here.) Getting that damn saw into the base wasn't too bad, after all, I had gravity working for me. Unfortunately, gravity is being a real bitch when it comes to getting that damn saw back out.

So, instead of finishing the assembly and making gobs of sawdust with that damn saw, I sit here blogging my woes while I wait for Mike to come over to help me out...again. I figure I owe him about fourtyleven favors by now...I just hope he decides to collect on them before I'm too old to help :)

All in all, I suppose the saying is correct...if you have a 50-50 chance of getting it right, 90% of the time you'll end up getting it wrong. Guess that's what I get for actually reading the damn directions.

Posted by Rob at February 21, 2004 4:04 PM

That just sucks, but yes I am laughing with you not at you of course.

Posted by: David at February 21, 2004 6:16 PM

Dude, cheer up. You have got a killer table saw while the rest of us have cheap crap from BORG. You and your bro get the saw turned around, make some dust, drink some low-carb beer and at 1pm tomorrow turn your TV to fox and watch some pretty metal get all f'd up. Then spend 2 more days turning big pieces of expensive wood into smaller pieces and some expensive sawdust. And don't cut your fingers off (Timmy, that goes for you too).

Posted by: Tony at February 21, 2004 8:48 PM