July 31, 2004

One Step Closer to Normdom

Da Jig

(Please excuse the crappy picture)

Now all I need is a shop the size of my house, about twelve more routers, a big honkin' lathe and a 93" thickness sander. Oh, and let us not forget the pocket hole machine and fortyleven more clamps...all in due time, I suppose...but I digress.

See, back in June, Amy gave me a gift certificate from Woodcraft as an anniversary gift (yes, she is the greatest!). Believe it or not, I couldn't decide on what to get, so, rather unlike me, I waited until I made up my mind.

Last week, I got an e-mail out of the blue from somebody who wanted to buy one of my old domain names. I wasn't using it anymore, so I figured "what the hell." I took his money and the gift certificate Amy had purchased me and headed to Woodcraft (where else?). After all, one of the upcoming projects on my list is a blanket chest for Amy and what better joinery for a blanket chest then some nice through dovetails?

After watching the instructional video that comes with the jig and reading the manual (and yes, you do have to read the manual for this thing...there are a lot of fiddly parts to get set up!) I managed to ruin some perfectly good pieces of plywood in trying to test the setup of the jig. But I did get it set up, and after some playing with scrap, I decided to take a shot with some "project" wood.

My first dovetails
More dovetails

No, they're not perfect, but they're pretty decent for my first day with the jig. I definitely see the point in scribing a line across the workpiece and using a piece of scrap behind the piece being routed.

I do have to hand it to the people at Leigh. They not only put together one helluva jig, but they do an incredible job of documenting every little step both in putting the jig together (down to a list of things you will have left over when you're done with assembly) and how to actually use the jig itself. They even provide a video showing the jig in action and, as a teaser, show you all the other cool accessories you can get for it. It's a stout piece of equipment, well built and obviously built to high tolerances. If I can make dovetails a few hours after opening the box, just about anyone would be able to as well. My Christmas list will definitely be including some of the accessories for this jig :)

Posted by Rob at July 31, 2004 10:35 PM

I know someone that is getting plaid flannel and safety glasses for Christmas.

Posted by: Tony at August 1, 2004 9:31 AM