Yes, yes, I know I haven't updated the site in quite some time now. If this were a true "blog" I'd be in all sorts of hot water by now. But it isn't, so deal with it :)
There really hasn't been a whole lot going on project-wise in the shop lately. School started up in these parts in the middle of August which is playing havoc with our daily commute. Add to that the ever thickening crop of Bermuda grass that seems to need to be cut every other day and there isn't a whole lot of time left to devote to quality wood ruining.
However, some good is coming out of all the brother, Mike, is getting married next week...and I'm the best man. I get to write the really embarrasing speech to give at the reception, although I'm sure it will be more embarassing for me to give the speech then it will be for Mike to have to endure it.
At any rate, I have managed to get the shop 95% cleaned up and organized from the wiring and expansion fiasco. Currently waiting on some more blast gates to arrive so I can get busy running PVC and hose for the dust collector. After that we should be ready to make some serious sawdust, so stay tuned.