Well, figured another month had passed, so I had better post something here.
More of the same, really. The three "W's" have been occupying most of my time lately: Work, Website and Writing instruments. The pens-for-sale website is coming along nicely and I'm starting to even see some folks making their way to me via search engines, which is always a good feeling. I've got a couple more ideas rattling around in my head that I'd like to accomplish, such as allowing potential customers to create their own custom pen, but I'm still tweaking the details and more or less shaking my head while trying to make the concept a reality.
No other "big" projects going on at the moment, mainly because I can't seem to put the gouges and skew down long enough to think about building something. I guess that isn't a bad thing, in and of itself, but I'm sure the three people who actually read this mess are starting to get bored listening to me carry on endlessly about pen turning. If so, well, I apologize, but when that's the obsession of the day... The sad thing is, though, that even the spammers haven't even bothered to bombard my comments with their ads for various "male enhancement" drugs. I guess obscurity has it's upsides!